Drug & Alcohol Offenses
Suzanne Porrazzo “Suzy” has extensive experience in handling both alcohol and drug related offenses.
As one of the first prosecutors in Los Angeles County to handle Proposition 36 cases, Ms. Porrazzo has extensive training in working to help her clients to recover from drug and alcohol abuse.
“I personally have witnessed the devastating effect of drug and alcohol abuse. I have been actively involved in the 12-Step Al-ANON program, which works hand in hand with Alcoholics Anonymous to provide a pathway to recovery. Turning your life over to God and a higher power
is the first step. I am a full believer in the program and want to help you to get your life back”.
Not many attorneys have the experience that Ms. Porrazzo brings to the table. She is a former member of the California Narcotics Officers Association, and has participated in coursework including drug recognition expertise, and the effects of drugs in contributing to violence. Ms.
Porrazzo also participated in helicopter fly-alongs with the Burbank Police Department, Riverside Sheriffs, and Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, many times in surveillance of individuals under the influence of PCP and other drugs. Ms.
Porrazzo understands that many times it is not the person but the drug — you would not be where you are without the effect of the drugs. It’s about getting your life back.
Ms. Porrazzo works with a team of reknowned experts to focus on your sobriety. Psychologists and treatment centers are just the start. It’s One Day at a Time. But with your attorney supporting you, you can focus on your sobriety.
“Fighting against drugs is the battle you will win—- and I will be there to support you every step of the way. I have the courtroom experience and first hand knowledge of both prosecutors and defense attorneys. Your sobriety is the most important thing in this world. I don’t want
you to lose sleep over the court process, what will happen in court. I understand that you may be fearful of the legal process, worry about providing for your family, and feel like your life has fallen apart. I will work with your treatment program to help you to help yourself. Your
life has meaning, and I’m here to help you to get it back. I can’t promise miracles or the result in court. But what I can promise you is that you will have an attorney who has empathy with you and knows that you are a valuable human being.”
“My best friend was my horse trainer and he was addicted to drugs and alcohol. He was sober the last two years of his life and I attended his birthday parties at the AA meetings and Alanon Meetings to support him. He told me that it was his biggest accomplishment in life to
win back his sobriety. I witnessed his happiness and joy —- and I want to help you to feel the same way that he did.”
“My friend George is in Heaven due to heart issues, but his life and struggles made me the attorney that I am today for addicts. I want to be here for you just as I was for my best friend. I want to work to help you get your life back.”